Terms & Conditions – Free Version of 33rd Team The Edge Tool
- User is granted access to the SIS Content via the 33rd Team “The Edge” tool (“The Edge”) and may use the information and data from the site (“SIS Content”) only in online and print articles, on social media, on podcasts/radio, and/or for private purposes. User may not otherwise distribute, sell, transmit, brand, publish, copy, sublicense, reproduce, or transfer any SIS Content at any time during or after the term of their subscription without the prior written permission of Sports Info Solutions.
- User is solely permitted to cite the SIS Content in text, graphs, tables, and other formats consistent with an online or print article. User may at no time publish full lists or leaderboards obtained from the SIS Content.
- Direct attribution must be made within each citation of the SIS Content. The credit shall say “Statistical Data provided by Sports Info Solutions” or contain a similar statement that undoubtedly attributes credit to SIS and links to www.SportsInfoSolutions.com.
- SIS Content can only be used for the purposes outlined in section one of this agreement. Any other use of information taken from The Edge is prohibited.
- SIS reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms and Conditions at any time. User agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and any additional terms that may apply.
Contact SIS: If you have any questions about these terms or the SIS Content on the 33rd Team site, please contact us. Phone: 610.261.2370; Email: sales@sportsinfosolutions.com